Sunday, December 26, 2010

Alana's 1st Christmas!!!

Alana has done so much to get ready for Christmas. She had a her 1st Christmas party and secret santa at school. She made a handprint reindeer for mom and dad. She spent Christmas Eve at Nana and Pop's house with Mimi and Papa. She loved ALL of her presents that she got. Christmas day was so much fun she was at Mimi and Papa's house and saw all of her aunts and uncles and her cousin Amelia.

Friday, December 3, 2010

video of alana

11 Months Old!

alana is fast approaching her big 1st birthday! She had a great time at her 1st Thanksgiving. She ate turkey, potatoes and carrots. She had lots of fun spending the day with her grandparents and uncle Michael.

Monday, November 22, 2010

10 Months Old!!

Alana is already 10 months old. She has had a big couple of weeks since Halloween. She has started clapping, crawling, doing so big, and continues to do the famous crowd pleaser...the surprise face. This past weekend she also spent time with Uncle Michael on his birthday and got to see Aunt Kat, Uncle Kevin and aunt Kinga. She can't wait for her 1st thanksgiving, Christmas, and her rapidly approaching 1st birthday.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Trick or Treat

Yesterday was Alana's 1st Halloween. She had such a great time trick or treating with Amelia and all her aunts and uncles. Amelia knocked on the doors for her and alana on mimi and papa's block. When Amelia left Alana went to go trick or treat at nana and pop's house. She was such a great tiger and wore the costume the whole day much to our surprise!

Fall Weekend

Alana had a very busy weekend. On Friday she had her 1st Halloween parade at school, which both grandpas went to go see. On Saturday she helped mom and dad with raking leaves.

Saturday, October 30, 2010

We are back!

We finally can post again on Alana's blog. Sorry for the delay, major computer problems. Alana is getting so big. She has done so many fun things this fall so far. She loves "school" and has so many new friends. She can't wait for Halloween!


About Me

I was born on January 6, 2010 at 2:18pm. I was 6 pounds and 7 ounces. I was 18 1/2 inches long. I have strawberry blonde hair and big blue eyes. I can't wait to meet everyone!