Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Summer is Flying By

Alana discovering that she can get on top of the coffee table, this was her response to me telling her to get down!

Alana trying to put ALL of her toys on dad's lap

Alana playing with her laptop

alana at the museum, she loved the fish tank

alana in the raft at the museum

Coloring at the museum

She was very interested in glass waterfall

Alana playing in the kitchen of the pirate ship w/JT

Alana running on the draw bridge on the pirate ship

Admiring herself in the mirror

Couldn't take her eyes off the guitar player

Dancing at the pub for pa's bday

Singing happy bday to Pa

Alana had a great weekend. On Friday she went to the museum w/her friend JT and got to see fish and a bunch of other "under the sea" exhibits. Friday night we went out to dinner to celebrate Pa's bday and Alana was the hit of the pub dancing away to the live guitar player. Saturday she got to spend some time with Uncle Kev and Aunt Kiki (Kinga) and then at night Uncle Michael and Aunt Kat watched Alana so mommy and daddy could go out to eat!

Monday, July 11, 2011

18 Months!

Alana posing for the camera

In deep thought by the pool

Alana singing w/mimi

alana and dad

Alana discovering she loves the ocean and wanting to run right in

alana out on her tricycle

Playing at her new water/sand table

Finding a snowman that is bigger than her and giving it a hug

Alana loving coloring at her new table

Very serious colorer

Alana just turned 18 months last week. She is 23.3lbs and 32 1/2in. She is growing so much. She has been loving the beach, actually liking the sand more and more. She loves to go in the pool and also loves to put her feet in the ocean. She is also the personal greeter at the beach sayin hi and bye to EVERYONE who passes by. She loves coloring and eating snacks at the table Aunt Cathy and Uncle Paul got her and playing with her water/sand table outside and riding her tricycle.

Friday, July 1, 2011

Loving the Summer!

The flower girl w/Uncle Michael and Aunt Kat

Alana and Amelia having a blast playing the piano

Still playing...

Alana and dad walking on the beach

Alana playing on the rocks

Alana going for a walk w/mimi

Alana stealing dad's hat

Alana has had a busy summer so far. She has been to a few birthday parties and just last weekend had Uncle Michael and Aunt Kat's engagement party. She had a great time playing w/Amelia and all her aunts and uncles. Amelia and Alana loved playing the piano together. On Monday the double A's hit the beach and had a great time in the pool. Alana thought it was hysterical when Ama (Amelia) would jump in. Alana is starting to get more comfortable with the sand and is venturing out a little more. She is looking forward to spending the 4th of July weekend at the beach w/mom, dad and mimi.


About Me

I was born on January 6, 2010 at 2:18pm. I was 6 pounds and 7 ounces. I was 18 1/2 inches long. I have strawberry blonde hair and big blue eyes. I can't wait to meet everyone!