Sunday, August 26, 2012

Summer Fun and Maeve's 8month pics

alana riding around in her jeep

alana at the fair with daddy and big/little sean

maeve just hanging out

Alana all set for the aquarium

alana and dad at the aquarium

alana posing as a seal

alana watching a shark video

crazy hair

alana showing off her new schoolbag

alana saying goodbye to mimi at the beach

running around the beach

8months already!

hanging out at the beach

so big

maeve practicing the drums

alana and maeve's dance party

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About Me

I was born on January 6, 2010 at 2:18pm. I was 6 pounds and 7 ounces. I was 18 1/2 inches long. I have strawberry blonde hair and big blue eyes. I can't wait to meet everyone!