Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Family Weekend

Alana had a great weekend spending time w/her entire family. All of her aunts and uncles were here and her cousins Amelia and Bridget. She was so excited to see Aunt Eileen and Uncle Spencer. She thought uncle Spencer was so funny. Amelia and Alana rode their matching tricycles all around the neighborhood. To make the weekend even better her grandparents joined us for dinner. Alana is running around everywhere now and never stops "chatting" She jsut had her 15m checkup and she is 22lbs and 30.5in.

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About Me

I was born on January 6, 2010 at 2:18pm. I was 6 pounds and 7 ounces. I was 18 1/2 inches long. I have strawberry blonde hair and big blue eyes. I can't wait to meet everyone!