Monday, August 1, 2011

Beach time

Hanging out with uncle Michael and aunt Kat

Wearing Uncle Michael's sunglasses

lounging out on uncle Michael

Swimming in the ocean for the 1st time w/dad

playing dress up w/her beach coverup and sunglasses that she popped the lenses out of

Hanging out w/aunt Cathy

Alana had a lot of fun the last week. Last week we had a special visit from Aunt Cathy and Uncle Paul from Pittsburgh. Alana loved playing with them and loved saying both of their names. Over the weekend Alana spent time at the beach. She went in the ocean for the 1st time w/daddy on Saturday and loved it, especially the taste of salt water. On Sunday Uncle Michael and Aunt Kat came to the beach and no one was happier than mommy and daddy b/c Alana wanted nothing to do with us since there were new people to entertain her. She had fun collecting rocks and shells with her new beach buddies.

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About Me

I was born on January 6, 2010 at 2:18pm. I was 6 pounds and 7 ounces. I was 18 1/2 inches long. I have strawberry blonde hair and big blue eyes. I can't wait to meet everyone!